Special Offers

Special Offers

See our special offers, tips and packages. To take full advantage of your stay on the French Riviera and book your vacation rental at the best price: discount, advantage, all-inclusive formula .... it's up to you !

Early Booking -10%

Special Offer Early Booking

Anticipate your next vacation and save money with our Early Booking special offer of -10%. Discount valid on all rental ranges (cottages - pitches), except camping pitches from 12/07 until 09/08, for all bookings made before December 31st, 2024! So head to La Bastiane to experience moments of sharing wand peace....

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Long Stay

10% discount for any stay of 10 nights minimum

With this special Long Stay offer, you save 10% to 15% on your holiday budget by staying at least 10 nights on site! Ideal for enjoying the benefits of the great outdoors and the charm of our beautiful destination in spring and fall. With the long stay offer, your holiday at Yelloh! Village La Bastiane will cost you even less!

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Weekend Package

Want to take a break?

Come and relax by the Mediterranean in one of the most beautiful 4 * campsites in the Var by taking advantage of our packages for a short stay and holiday weekend.

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Take some time for you

Need some fresh air? Escape for few days with your lover along the Mediterranean sea! Near Fréjus, between land and sea, our campsite Yelloh! Village La Bastiane offers incredible stays in the heart of nature. Luxurious cottages and 4-stars services for a perfect getaway!

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Family stay

Idées de séjour pour voyager avec votre tribu

Famille nombreuse ou grande tribu? A La Bastiane, nous avons des locations de vacances qui vous ressemblent! Nous proposons différentes gammes de cottages pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 6 personnes tout en préservant le confort et le bien-être de chacun. Opter pour la gamme Funky, c'est la promesse de vacances réussies !

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To not miss anything from our current offers, follow our news on our Facebook page @labastiane. For regulars and loyal customers of La Bastiane, collect points and get benefits from free nights thanks to the Yelloh! Plus card. Join the loyalty program on our Yelloh! Village page.


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